The BARMM Government, under the leadership of Interim Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim, demonstrated its dedication to assisting grassroots communities and bringing government services closer to the people through a significant convergence event in Jolo, Sulu. The...
In the wake of relentless rainfall unleashed by the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) on July 9, 2024, brought catastrophic flooding to Maguindanao Del Norte and Lanao Del Sur. The subsequent deluge on July 11 exacerbated the crisis across low-lying areas in the...
Davao City became a hub of administrative scrutiny as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, led by Minister Paisalin P. Tago, along with its 7 attached agencies such as the Bangsamoro Airport Authority (BAA), Civil Aeronautics Board of the Bangsamoro...
This serves as an official notification to the public that neither the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) nor the Bangsamoro Land Transportation Office (BLTO) has issued any deputation orders. We advise individuals and organizations to verify the...
The flag-raising ceremony holds profound significance beyond its ceremonial aspects, serving as a powerful symbol of unity, patriotism, and organizational cohesion. This morning’s event, where the minister, alongside top executives and employees, participated...