Sep 30, 2019

COTABATO CITY—-Over 1,200 radio operators attended the first BARMM-WIDE Radshow Summit with 810 registered examinees for amateur radio operators last 13 September at Shariff Kabungsuan Cultural Complex, BARMM center in this city.

The theme for this year’s Radshow summit is “Strengthening Radio Communication Towards Disaster Resilient BARMM.”

“It shows the significance of radio as we are located not in contiguous provinces and cities especially in the island provinces. Communication is power but we should be connected with a stable platform so we could communicate seamlessly.” said BARMM Transportation and Communications Minister Dickson P. Hermoso

Most often when calamity strikes people are challenged on whom to run for information and how to relay their communication in order to get help.

“You are based in smaller communities, we will make sure that you are connected with our leaders. It is our ardent desire that the simple community folks may feel that there is already something good happening within the BARMM.” Hermoso conveyed.

RTC-BARMM Regional Head Hamid Bayao reiterated the message of President Rodrigo Duterte that the government should not depend solely on private telecom companies since there is usually congestion in their networks in time of calamity.

“By attending this summit we will be able to know the right way of using the ham radio and also we will be informed on how the government regulates the use of radio frequencies.” Bayao added.

BARMM Interior of Local Government Minister Naguib Sinarimbo said, “We will rely on you as a smaller group of the community to give an early warning from the ground zero of where the disaster happens. You will be best to respond first.”
“You are also encouraged to be involved in the check and balance of those who are working or not in the government. You are asked to check in order to make the Bangsamoro government work within the frame of moral governance.” Sinarimbo added.

NTC 11 Regional Director Nelson T. Canete interpreted the law before the radio communicators on the proper usage of airwaves and handheld radios, the possibility of simple violation and its corresponding penalty.

Right after the typhoon Yolanda struck in Tacloban, Canete said that the first message that was heard from an amateur radio communicator was, “Send more body bags, over.”

” I expect that the message, send more body bags, will no longer be the first message we will receive for we will be able to prepare before any calamity strikes. I can sense the spirit of volunteerism in you and I can see lots of heroes in this region.” Canete added.

“During peace time, use your radio for the welfare of the old, the sick and the weak and use it for the advancement of my dear province of Maguindanao and the whole Bangsamoro region. “ Canete expressed.

“I challenge you to use your radio to lessen the tension and to advance peace and understanding. Use that frequency to unite people without boundaries and borders. Use this God given frequency to worship the most merciful and benevolent God.” Canete added.

BARMM Interim Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim,Al-Haj said. “We advocate the moral governance which we had sworn with the Holy Qur’an and almighty Allah. Development is akin with peace and good governance. We need to promote this to our community members through radio communication.”

“With the 2-way radio, let’ us work hand in hand to prepare for any challenges or any calamity that will come our way and let us be together in order to promote peace and moral governance.” Ebrahim added./ACO