Some MOTC’s Muslim employees receive free ‘fruit dates’ for Iftar

Apr 22, 2022

Some MOTC’s Muslim employees receive free ‘fruit dates’ for Iftar

True to the spirit of Ramadhan, the employees of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications- BARMM receive free Iftar, a pack of fruit dates from a generous donor, Josephine “Neneng” Lingat-Kadir, on Thursday, April 21, 2022.

On behalf of the MOTC’s workforce, Minister Dickson P. Hermoso thanks the benefactor for her thoughtfulness and kind gesture to the ministry.

Likewise, Minister Hermoso expresses his appreciation for this philanthropic effort to cause Corporate Social Responsibility. According to him, this story during Ramadhan is worth mentioning for it revitalizes Ramadhan’s true essence.

Meanwhile, to ensure that every employee could get an equal share, Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao- Maniri personally handovers these fresh-packed dates from Saudi Arabia to different sectors, divisions, and sections of the MOTC.