PAL remits its 1st DPSC to BTO

Mar 9, 2023

The Philippine Airlines (PAL) remitted its first Domestic Passengers Service Charge (DPSC) to the Bangsamoro Treasury Office (BTO) under the Ministry of Finance, Budget, and Management (MFBM) last March 7, 2023, at MFBM Conference Room, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City. The DPSC collected covered January 2023 levied on tickets whose flights departing from the Cotabato (Awang) Airport, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao, one of the BAA-managed airports.

This complies with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) executed by MOTC and the Air Carrier on integrating DPSC in tickets purchased for flights departing from BAA-managed airports. The DPSC integration was pursued as BAA recognized the importance of providing convenience to passengers and making frontline services responsive to the needs of the public by addressing, among others, passenger congestion in airports. The said MOA provides that Air Carrier shall remit its DPSC collections directly to the account of the BTO under the pertinent provisions of the Bangsamoro Administrative Code.

PAL Sales Manager Engr. Delfin Tubera Jr. handed over a total amount of Php 928,935.22 to Bangsamoro Treasurer Naila Z. Dimaraw with the presence of MFBM Deputy Minister Amilbahar Amilasan Jr., MOTC Minister Paisalin P. Tago, MOTC Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao-Maniri, BAA Officer-In-Charge – Director I Atty. Hanamir N. Emblawa, CPA, BLTFRB Officer-In-Charge – Director I Atty. Bai Sandra U. Sandialan, BAA Airport Manager-III Carmencita O. Salik, RCrim., MPA, Cotabato (Awang) Airport Manager-I Johari L. Musa, and Administrative Officer-III Honey Zenaida G. Baraguir.