New MOTC employees take oath, pledge to BARMM’s moral governance

Jun 16, 2023

June 15, 2022 – Today marked the Mass Oath taking Ceremony and Orientation of the newly hired plantilla positions of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications who swore an allegiance to uphold the Constitution.

Among those who took their oath were twenty-four (24)Muhajideens and Mujahidats, and 15 from the different Divisions and sectoral agencies, who made their solemn oath to uphold changes and rank to position titles and for the new ones who are new employees.

Under the transitory provisions, Article 306 of the code, one of the provisions of the BCSC is to give recognition and importance to the roles of the Mujahideens (male) and Mujahidats (female) who had fought for the long-desired autonomy of the Bangsamoro. Hence, integrating them into the government complied with this provision.

The oath was administered by Minister Paisalin P. Tago and Deputy Minister Muhammad Ameen Abbas to those who demonstrated merit and fitness for the position and to those who reaped the benefits of their hard work and perseverance.