MPW turns over completed RORO Facilities of Bongao and Sitangkai Ports in Tawi-tawi to BPMA-MOTC

Mar 20, 2023

The Ministry of Public Works (MPW) has turned over to the Bangsamoro Ports Management Authority BPMA, through a Symbolic Turnover Ceremony of the completed RORO Facilities of Bongo Port and Sitangkai Port in Tawi-Tawi after the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) Minister Architect Eduard Uy Guerra’s flagship project in the area was finally made. The event was held at the Ports of Bongao, Tawi-Tawi March 18, 2023.

Minister Paisalin Tago was overwhelmed with this milestone, highlighting the collaboration and inter-ministries cooperation for development. “There are no waits for vessels and no delay in operations as everything is now at hand.” We’re continuing to see regular business in this place. He said.

In an interview with BPMA General Manager Garib abas, he said this would open a gateway to domestic and foreign trade and tourism in the area. He added that the expansion is underway as plans to further expand the facility with roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) capabilities project is ongoing. Besides, Minister Tago is also pushing forward with infrastructure improvements to increase maritime commerce and add maritime jobs to the locals. The port has also been working on a project to study ways to improve the mobility and safety of people and goods. He concluded that they would do everything to help the region bridge connectivity in the best way possible.