MOTC’s Water Transport Service participates in Barter Trade System Orientation and Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Security Team Meeting

Mar 17, 2022

MOTC’s Water Transport Service participates in Barter Trade System Orientation and Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Security Team Meeting

The MOTC’s Water Transport Services represented by The BMARINA Regional Head Alonto A. Sahiron and Administrative Officer V Abdulgani A. Lappang of BPMA along, with government agencies like the Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Immigration, Bureau of Quarantine (Health, Plants, and Animals), Philippine Coast Guard, BBTC, participates in an Orientation on Barter Trade System and a meeting with the Customs, Immigration, Quarantine, and Security Team (CIQS), conducted by the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Tourism (MTIT) on March 10-11, 2022, at LM Hotel in Zamboanga City.

The Barter Trade System orientation and meeting with the Customs Immigration Quarantine and Security (CIQS) – (East ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Growth Area) highlights the presentation of each representative on their respective mandates and functions. Each government agency has pledged its willingness to help and support the Bangsamoro Government through the Bangsamoro Barter Trade Council (BBTC) concerning barter trading within the BARMM area with the BIMP-EAGA. They all have expressed the same support to help boost the economy, especially the island provinces of Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi.

Moreover, the Customs, Immigration, Quarantine and Security Team (CIQS) has considered putting up a one-stop-shop in the port of Taganak, Tawi-Tawi Province, for the sole purpose of barter trading in the region.

On his part, BMARINA Regional Head Alonto A. Sahiron pledges his support on this matter and reiterates to the body of the function of BMARINA as per the Bangsamoro Autonomy Act that is to Issue a Special Permit for the temporary utilization of domestic vessels in the BIMP-EAGA routes.

He further stresses that non-conventional vessels will be permitted to operate from and to BIMP-EAGA ports and BARMM provided they are compliant with CIQS requirements and maritime safety requirement