MOTC Top Officials retain Positions

Feb 21, 2022

MOTC Top Officials retain Positions

Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim has decided to keep Dickson P. Hermoso as Minister and Abunawas L. Maslamama as Deputy Minister for a second term of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM. This move signals the continuity of their duties and responsibilities in the ministry.

Last 16 Feb 2022, Minister Hermoso and Deputy Minister Maslamama tendered their courtesy resignation in response to CM’S order for all ministers and deputy ministers to file the same in preparation for the reorganization of his Cabinet composition.

Shortly after that, a directive from the Office of the Chief Minister dated 18 Feb 2022 stating the formal denial of their resignation, has been sent to both. It also states that the decision was made after careful review and evaluation.

Welcome back, leaders!