MOTC signs first Infrastructure Projects with Contracting Parties

Sep 21, 2023

The MOTC’s first Infrastructure Projects Contract Agreement was finally signed by Minister Paisalin P. Tago and the Procuring Entities at the Minister’s Office at 1:00 p.m. on September 20, 2023.

A legally binding agreement of contracts of four procuring entities executed under Public Bidding Number PR 23-05-0029 for the Construction of the Passenger Terminal Building of Sibutu Port amounting 18, 268,393.31 by the Al-Husayn Construction, Public bidding Number PR 23-05-0227 for the Construction of the Warehouse of Jolo Port costing Php 13,039,583.62 by AAP, PR 23-05-0232 Rehabilitation of Passenger Terminal Building in Sasnga-Sanga Airport in Tawi-Tawi bid for Php 19, 602,008.27 by J-Sand Construction and Supply and lastly, Public Bidding No. PR 23-05-0228 for the Rehabilitation of Passenger Terminal Building in Sitangkai Port in Tawi-Tawi bid for 9, 644, 102. 019 by the Al-Husayn Construction. All of these projects are to be completed in 360 days.

Minister Tago has scheduled a groundbreaking in both provinces soon to fast-track the implementation of the project.