MOTC Region holds Free Iftar for Employees

Apr 2, 2024

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM Regional Office took its turn hosting a free iftar today, April 2, at the Glamour Convention Center.

This event marks the second-to-last free iftar hosted by the ministry before the conclusion of the Holy Month of Ramadan, with the Land Transportation Services also set to host the same initiative this week.

This annual tradition, now in its second year, has become a cornerstone of unity and solidarity within the MOTC and community during Ramadan.

Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA, spearheaded this initiative with the vision of not only providing nourishment but also fostering a profound sense of belonging and welfare among all employees and community members alike.

MOTC is also actively preparing for the upcoming BARMM Children’s Night. This special event will see children celebrating Ramadan after iftar, further reinforcing the spirit of togetherness and celebration within the community.