MOTC receives appreciation from TSCC

Mar 15, 2022

MOTC receives appreciation from TSCC

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM, headed by Minister Dickson P. Hermoso, is deeply honored and humbled to receive Certificates of Appreciation given by the Transportation Security Coordinating Committee (TSCC), led by the Administrator of the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) Chairman, Undersecretary RAUL L. DEL ROSARIO in recognition for the substantial intelligence inputs delivered by the ministry towards the attainment of the goals and objectives of the coordinating committee for two consecutive years, 2020-2021.

Simple gratuity may not be enough to express how the ministry is recognized in its efforts to provide fast, efficient, reliable and safe delivery of transportation and communication services towards the benefit of the Bangsamoro People in the Region and National endeavors.