MOTC participates in the Pre-Ramadhan Symposium and Launching of Ramadhan Modules

Mar 8, 2024

MOTC representatives attended the Pre-Ramadhan Symposium and Launching of Ramadhan Modules on March 7, 2024, at the Shariff Kabunsuan Complex, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City.

This event complies with Memorandum Circular No. 031 from the Office of the Chief Minister, detailing Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament Resolution No.42, through the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta and other MOAs to conduct the said activities.

Ramadan is a season of spiritual reflection, repentance, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship, where Muslims adhere to the principles of righteousness by following the teachings of Islam.

This year, Ramadan is expected to begin at sundown on Sunday, March 10, and end at sundown on Tuesday, April 9.

Topics discussed during the activity were the correct way of self-preparation before Ramadhan, the Wisdom of making Ramadhan fasting obligatory, and the Do’s and Don’ts during Ramadhan. The activity highlighted an open forum where numerous issues are heard and addressed.