MOTC officially takes over management of LTO district offices in Maguindanao and Marawi

Feb 23, 2023

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) has officially turned over the management and operations of its district and extension offices —Maguindanao District Office, Marawi City District Office, Wao Extension Office, and Datu Abdullah Sangki Extension Office— to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) today, Feb 22.

RA 11054, also known as the Bangsamoro Organic Law, requires the National Government to transfer control of the said remaining LTO district offices to the BARMM. Hence, the turnover reflects incremental accomplishments made through the peace process.

Officials from LTO XII personally tuned over the assets, powers and functions to the MOTC led by Minister MP Paisalin P. Tago, who was accompanied by officials and executives from the MOTC and BLTO-BARMM.

Finally, today’s event marks the completion of the transfer of assets and operations of the various LTO offices to the Bangsamoro Government which are previously controlled and administered by adjacent regions.