Feb 26, 2021



Minister Dickson P. Hermoso from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, along with, the Information Officer III Agnes D. Manampan and Executive Assistant I- Iana Camille E. Hermoso and ministers from different agencies of the BARMM attended a day Workshop on Facing the Media: The Art of Media engagement Communication at the Crown Plaza, Ortigas, Manila on February 12, 2021.

This activity aims to prepare oneself to behave professionally during media and public engagements and to craft messages appropriate to communication content and target audiences to make the public know of the current issues and concerns and to also develop the ability for public speaking. 

Several topics were discussed to include Background of the Philippine Media and Culture of the Journalist- Art of Media Engagement, Tips on Managing Crisis Situation – that tackle the mental and physical preparation for an interview on how to deal with different kinds of journalist and in the Crafting and Developing Message through the power of a story which emphasized the use of stories to help drive the message. 

Furthermore, the activities were facilitated by the PROBE Media Foundation, Incorporated composed of seasoned journalists from different fields who were joined by their passion to help executives and legislators acquire the skills of media encounters. Among them were Camila Fonbuena, foreign correspondent and a Multi-Media Journalist on Politics and Social Issues, Charisse Vilchez, Business Unit Director-Red Havas, and Ma. Victoria Ortega, a Brand Specialist, and Trustee of PMFI.

Finally, the activity was highlighted by media ambush encounters simulation exercises on different scenarios and issues besetting the BARMM. Minister Hermoso, who first volunteered to be interviewed, gave an impressive composure at the height of several media attacks. He remained firm and never lost his temper when complex questions were thrown, only to prove that his experience of media assaults is just part of his job when he was an army spokesperson.