MOTC leverages transportation perspective with Basilan Governor Salliman

Jul 13, 2023

Ministry of Transportation and Communications led by Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA, and Deputy Minister Muhammad Ameen M. Abbas, together with the MOTC Top Officials, Transport Service Directors, Sector, Regional and Provincial Heads of BAA, CABB, BPMA, BMARINA, BLTO, BLTFRB, BTC, and personnel paid a courtesy visit with Honorable Governor Jim Hataman Salliman at the Provincial Office to leverage transportation perspective in the province.

The visit aimed to discuss matters of mutual interest and to strengthen coordination with the Provincial government administration, with great interest the policy developments, social cohesion enhancing transportation infrastructure services, exploring new avenues for collaboration and identifying Transportation needs, potential areas of partnership, and future projects to achieve a more efficient and connected transportation and communication landscape in the region and to enable economic growth.