MOTC Launches Polloc, Parang – Basilan RoRo Shipping Service

Apr 25, 2023

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC-BARMM) has successfully launched the Polloc, Parang – Basilan Roll-On/Roll-Off (RoRo) Shipping Service yesterday April 25, marking a major milestone in the region’s quest for economic growth and stability.

The launch, spearheaded by Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim and MOTC Minister Paisalin P. Tago, is the first phase of the RoRo Shipping Network in BARMM and is aimed at enhancing connectivity and promoting peace within and outside the region.

The project, which was initiated with technical assistance from the USAID Regulatory Reform Support Program for National Development (RESPOND), is expected to facilitate faster and cheaper trading of goods and services, as well as increase investment inflows and boost BARMM’s socio-economic development.

Minister Tago lauded the launching of the RoRo service, citing it as another milestone for the region. “Having inter-island routes in BARMM’s island provinces provides a faster and cheaper channel for trading goods and other services, which will increase investment inflows and boost BARMM’s socio-economic development,” he said.

The event was also attended by Maguindanao del Norte Governor Abdulraof Macacua, who stressed the significance of the project for the people of BARMM. “I’m happy that the manifestation and technical support of USAID_RESPOND and MinDA bear fruit for people in BARMM to enjoy,” he said.

Meanwhile, MinDA Secretary Mabel Acosta commended the MOTC and MTIT for their collaborative efforts in launching the initiative. “As our country’s coordinating office, we will support development efforts in the Bangsamoro. I’m congratulating the MOTC and MTIT for this landmark development initiative,” she said.

Today’s launch is expected to reinforce BARMM’s position as the front door of BIMP-EAGA, which will increase trade activities, businesses, and communications in the region.

The event was attended by several notable personalities, including Mayor Cahar Ibay of Parang, Maguindanao del Norte; COP Christopher Cabugwang; DOJ Asec Geronimo Sy; Assistant Senior Minister Abdullah Cosain; MP Atty. Jose Lorena; Bai Sandra Sema; MTIT Minister Abuamri Taddick; MTIT Deputy Minister Atty. Sukarno Abas; BBC Atty. Ronald Torres; UPPAF-RESPOND TEAM Leader Dr. Enrico Basilio and his party; Deputy Chief Party Arlene Donaire; PCCI Hazel Bautista; City Fiscal Merriam Mastura; and PCG-BARMM Commander Rejard V Marfe.