MOTC implements audit management of its services in Sulu

Jun 8, 2023

MOTC Top level Officials headed by Minister Paisalin P. Tago visited the province of Sulu for the Inspection and Assessment and to oversee the day-to-day operations of the overall workforce in the provincial and district offices anchored on the administrative responsibility of the transport services on land, air, and water that started June 2- 6, 2023.

At the inception of the weeklong visit, a coordination meeting with Sulu Governor Abdusakur M. Tan in the Provincial Capitol Office was on top of the schedule. The visit emphasized cooperation and collaboration with the Local Government Unit (LGU) to ensure support and consensus of the local government officials in the promotion, improvement, and provision of public services, lay down the emerging perspectives of operation, and strengthen the potential partnership between the Local Government and the Ministry.

Meanwhile, the Inspection of Jolo and Siasi Ports helped identify operational constraints and bottlenecks, pinpoint potential anomalies, and audit infrastructure assets in the maritime terminals and ports to help ensure facilities operate safely and efficiently towards a fast, efficient, reliable movement of people and goods.

A meeting with the respective Port Management Offices followed to dialogue issues and concerns, tackle challenges, and recommend new practices and opportunities for better management and efficient operational services.