MOTC holds the Women in Islam Symposium

Apr 18, 2023

April 17, 2023. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications, through the Office of the Deputy Minister, conducted the Women in Islam Symposium for the men and women personnel of the ministry and its attached agencies to emphasize the unique contributions of women to family and society, eliminate misconceptions and campaign for their rights at Glamour Convention Hall, Cotabato City, on April 17, 2023.

In his opening message, Deputy Minister Muhammad Ameen Abbas urged everyone to apply the knowledge gained in the daily services to the office and to live by example on the true virtues of Islam that respect for women. Meanwhile, Sheik Khairuddin A. Midtimbang, a highly experienced and knowledgeable expert in Islamic Jurisprudence, lectured about the true importance of women in Islam in different historical contexts and what the Qur’an and the Ahadith teach about the status of women in Islam.

An open forum provided an avenue to clarify some issues and situations confronting cultural equity and equality to mitigate misconceptions, as many unfair and untrue beliefs about women in Islam arise not from Islamic guidance but from cultural habits that belittle the rights and experiences that are opposed to the teachings of Allah (swt) and His Prophet (saw).

Finally, Atty. Bai Sandra Sandialan asks everyone to share this knowledge with families, friends, colleagues, and the Bangsamoro people.