MOTC holds a groundbreaking ceremony for the infrastructure projects in the province of Tawi-Tawi

Oct 16, 2023

In the commitment to provide better connectivity in both ports and airports in the province of Tawi-Tawi, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) Minister Paisalin P. Tago led the groundbreaking ceremony, symbolically consecrating the building location today, October 16, 2023, of the various infrastructure projects to officially start the works on the Rehabilitation of the Passenger Terminal Building of Sanga-Sanga airport in Tawi-Tawi under Public Bidding Number PR 23-05 0232 with an ABC of Php 19, 602,008.27 by J-Sand Construction and Supply.

Also, the Rehabilitation of the One-Storey Passenger Terminal Building of Sitangkai Port, executed under Public Bidding Number PR 23-05-0028, amounting to Php 9, 644, 102, 019, by the Al-Husayn Construction and the Construction of One-Storey Passenger Terminal Building, Sibutu Port, Tawi-Tawi, under Public Bidding Number PR 23-05-0029, amounting 18, 268,393.31 by the Al-Husayn Construction funded through the General Appropriations Act of the Bangsamoro (GAAB), and are expected to be accomplished in 360 days.

Present during the ceremony were Hon. Yshmael Sali, the Provincial Governor of Tawi-Tawi, represented by Hajimar Matba, Head of Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, Commander 2nd Marine Brigade Brigadier General Romeo Racadio PN(M), Police Colonel Richard Basco, Acting Provincial Director, Coast Guard Lieutenant Senior Grade John Paule Cabarrubias, Station Commander, CGS Centra Tawi-Tawi, PCG, Police Lieutenant Melchor Garces, Chief, PNP AVSEU, Squadron Commander, 5135 ABS, Major Gervanni Dayag PAF, Engr. Josephine Patilla, OIC-CAAP, Sanga-Sanga, BYC Commisioner Pratima S. Samsaraji, MOST Provincial Director Shirmal S. Mudjahiron.

Other personalities in attendance were Pershing Taiyab, Provincial Tourism Officer- LGU Termizie Masahud, Provincial director, MTI-Tawi-Tawi, Sukarno Idjirani, Sation Head, Cebu Pacific Airlines, Khadija Sil-Amina Asmad-Philippine Airlines, Dr. Junior Ahamad, President, and Vice President Dr. Hja. Amina Jaafar Moh, Philarm BARMM, Hon, Tiblan Ahaja, Al-Haj, Mayor Municipality of Sitangkai, and MOTC management and staff.

Moreover, a successful groundbreaking ceremony signaled that things would come to the works as the ministry aimed to contribute to the local economy and create job opportunities.