MOTC holds 2nd BARMM Transport Logistics and Governance Training

Sep 1, 2022

MOTC holds 2nd BARMM Transport Logistics and Governance Training

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications, through the University of the Philippines Public Administration Research and Extension Services Foundation (RESPOND UPPAF), the lead implementing agency of the USAID, conducted a BARMM Transport Logistics and Governance Training participated by the top, middle managers, and employees from the ministry and its Sectoral Offices, at the Pagana Native Restaurant, Cotabato City, on August 30, 2022.

This activity was Phase II of the first component of training previously conducted by the team dubbed Transport and Logistics Planning Orientation on July 19, 2022, to create a Medium-Term Transport Logistics Roadmap to enhance logistics management and the strategic implementation of projects.

Meanwhile, on June 21, the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), MOTC, and the USAID-Funded Regulatory Reform Support Program for National Development (RESPOND) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate technical assistance in developing the MOTC’s Medium-Term Logistics Roadmap. RESPOND was tasked to conduct a series of capacity-building sessions for the officers and staff of the ministry and its attached agencies in regional development planning, transport infrastructure development, policy and regulatory governance, and the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Framework.

Since then, pieces of training were conducted as part of the capacity-building interventions to give technical assistance and support from the team of experts like Dr. Hussein Sinsuat Lidasan, Dr. Arturo Corpuz, and Dr. Enrico L. Basilio, Marlon Yap, John Montoya, Rafael Rivera and, DELIVER team leader Roni Balbieran.

The goal of training is to educate participants on matters constituting the Right of Way Acquisition (ROWA) Issues on PPP Concept Part II, Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), Reengineering Government Processes (EODB), and Enhancing Institutional Governance towards reform. A prelude to a series of requisite training programs designed to educate participants. Topics constitute aspects of streamlining the principles and practices and elements as essential components in the drafting transport logistics roadmap within the context of the BARMM.

For cross convergence, other ministries and transportation committees of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (MAFAR), and Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority (BPDA), were invited to attend the sessions to empower them to be legally competent to navigate complexities, lead them to realize how to manage the planning, design, and processes to keep project development moving forward, and as they too, will also collaborate in the crafting of a comprehensive framework of BARMM Transport and Logistics Plan in the future.