MOTC Celebrates 2023 Year-End Party

Dec 21, 2023

MOTC held its year-end party for all its officials, staff, and sectoral agencies as we gathered and celebrated together to create more meaningful expressions and experiences of an evening affair this year-end, at the Em Manor Convention Hall, Cotabato City, December 20, 2023.

To formally start the event, Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao-Maniri gave her opening remarks.

Highlights of the activities were contest presentations and the showcasing of talents. The night has turned into a festive party for the employees as fun-filled presentations aimed to hit prices at stake by the contenders.

Three sets of major prices of refrigerators, high-quality LED TVs, and washing machines were awarded to 9 lucky winners who won by drawing lots.

Despite the short notice to practice, the Bangsamoro Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (BLTFRB) put their best, extravagant performance that caught the crowd’s attention and nailed down its contenders on the top slate.

MOTC Regional Office bagged 2nd place, while Bangsamoro Airport Authority won 3rd place in the contest.

All other sectors had their consolation prices.

The awarding of the Best Employees of the offices recognized for their exemplary performances and the awards of distinction for the best outfit of the night were also highlighted during the event.

Minister Paisalin Tago expressed gratitude to the team for all the preparations and the hard work done amid a busy schedule. He was notably happy as he expressed optimism about the forthcoming year-end party with higher prices and a more competitive showdown of talents among sectoral offices and the ministry.

He reflected on this achievement and shared all the successes of everyone who contributed and shared their part in the attainment of the ministry’s goals.

Apart from the joyful winners, everyone never left without bringing a mini-sack of rice as they went home.

Indeed, the hard work and unity among everyone made the experience more precious and worth remembering.