MOTC-BARMM to take action on PTB’s timely completion

Feb 14, 2024

February 8, 2024. To facilitate economic development and prosperity in the BARMM, representatives from the region conducted a close collaboration to address challenges and resolve all identified issues through coordination with the concerned national agencies on the ongoing and upcoming infrastructure projects crucial to contributing to higher productivity and growth, facilitating trade and connectivity in the region.

A cadre of engineers from the MOTC headed by Engr. Nasrodin Masakal, Designated Chief of the Engineering Division, and the Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority (BPDA) officials, led by Engr. Kadil A. Sulaik, Director I, brought before the office of Lt. Col. Valentino A. Dionela, Assistant Director General II, Aerodrome Development and Management Services of the CAAP, Pasay City, the current status of the Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) of Cotabato (Awang) Airport. Additionally, to create creative strategies to discuss the upcoming master plan and feasibility study for new airports in the Bangsamoro region.

The overdue construction of the PTB constrained the BAA management, MOTC, the region, businesses, and the air-riding public. Despite numerous action efforts by the MOTC, it did not guarantee the completion of the said.
Meanwhile, the CAAP approved a P45.5 million expansion project scheduled to finish in August 2021, but it was set to another timeline on August 2023 and yet nearly through, but it was never completely done. The project had been five years already, depriving the public of its benefits.

Section 2 of Presidential Decree 1445 provides that government resources shall be managed, expended, or used under law and regulations and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition to ensure efficient, economic, and effective government operations.

Thus, underlining the physical and financial status of the projects, the issues and concerns encountered during project implementation, and the commitments by the DOTr on project completion, Minister Tago of the MOTC, in a concurrent capacity, overseeing the BAA, was considering coherent steps through the CAAP to flag the contractor, rescind the contract, and take over the implementation and completion of the PTB upon its transfer to the BARMM and for the CAAP to reprogram the remaining funds based on the requirements made by the MOTC Engineers.