MOTC-BARMM conducts comprehensive Orientation for New Employees

May 16, 2024

The Administrative and Finance Services-Administrative Division, through the Human Resource Management section, has undertaken a crucial initiative aimed at ensuring the seamless integration of recruits within the Ministry of Transportation and Communication-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MOTC-BARMM). On May 15-16, 2024, via Teleconferencing, a comprehensive orientation program was conducted for all 102 recently appointed personnel. This endeavor was vital in the organization’s commitment to fostering a conducive work environment and enhancing operational efficiency.

The orientation program encompasses topics ranging from the organizational structure and function of the ministry to its core values, policies, and procedures. Through interactive sessions and informative presentations, new employees were acquainted with the mission and vision of the MOTC and their roles and responsibilities within their respective positions. Moreover, the orientation enabled them to familiarize themselves with the organizational culture, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie from the outset of their employment journey.

In line with the overarching objective of promoting professional development and job satisfaction, the Administrative and Finance Services-Administrative Division remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the holistic growth of the ministry’s workforce. By facilitating such initiatives, the division endeavors to empower employees, enhance their productivity, and ultimately contribute to the realization of the ministry’s overarching goals and objectives. As MOTC continues to evolve and expand its operations, the effective onboarding of new personnel stands as a foundation for fortifying its position as a leading institution in the region’s transportation and communication sector.