MOTC assesses PMOs in Sulu to suffice ratings of expectations

Jun 8, 2023

To contribute to a broader understanding of ports and their development, the MOTC officials headed by Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA, has dedicated a specialized team under the supervision of Director General Atty. Roslaine Macao L. Maniri and OIC Director Garib A. Abas took administrative power to carry out the mission to assess, inspect, and audit the infrastructure of Maritime Ports in the Province of Sulu so that the information is typically provided by the individual terminals in the province, to shed light to every port’s performance measure.

Sparked by his interest to assess the area they operate in, Provincial Governor of Sulu, Abdusakur M. Tan, joined the team in conducting an on-site walk through Port Inspections of Jolo and Siasi Ports and Maimbung Extension Port on June 3-4, 2023, as he also gave a brief orientation on the outlying islands which avail of its port services to promote trade facilitation that enhances economic development in the area.

Meanwhile, it was also the intention of the Minister and the team to gather first-hand information assesses and identify potential threats that might compromise anyway, the port operations, and push recommendations for the development of port facilities to help ensure it is compliant to operate safely and efficiently towards a fast, efficient, reliable movement of people and goods.