MOTC Air Services Engages in Networking at 2023 Aviation Summit

Oct 1, 2023

Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA sent a delegation from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM’s Civil Aeronautics Board of the Bangsamoro (CABB) and the Bangsamoro Airport Authority (BAA) to the 2023 Aviation Summit, a two-day event held at the Marriott Hotel Manila on September 27-28, 2023.

This networking, coupled with the invaluable insights gained from the aforementioned summit, is poised to make a significant contribution to the upcoming First BARMM Air Services Summit scheduled this October, which will be held in Cotabato City.

With a shared mission to strengthen air transportation and commerce in the Bangsamoro Region, the Ministry’s participation aligns with the vision of BARMM Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim—to elevate the lives of Bangsamoro citizens and enhance their quality of life.

Among the attendees from the MOTC were Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao-Maniri, CABB OIC Director I Muhammad M. Galo, BAA OIC Director I Atty. Hanamir N. Emblawa, CPA, and BAA Airport Manager III Carmencita O. Salik.