Minister Tago meets newly-appointed MOTC executive officials

Mar 27, 2024

Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA, convened with 10 recently appointed executive officials of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) today, March 27. The meeting focused on pertinent matters essential for their forthcoming assumption of office.

Held at the BLTO Conference Room, the gathering provided an opportunity for Minister Tago, Deputy Minister Muhammad Ameen Abbas, Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao-Maniri and other heads of office to welcome the 10 recently appointed executives.

The newly appointed officials expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to serve in their respective capacities and pledged their commitment to advancing Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim’s agenda for the benefit of the BARMM constituents.

With a focus on collaboration and effective governance, Minister Tago emphasized the importance of teamwork and dedication in fulfilling the ministry’s mandate of enhancing transportation and communication systems across the BARMM and beyond.