Minister hermoso inspects ongoing Awang Airport’s Infrastrucuture Project

Apr 2, 2022

Minister hermoso inspects ongoing Awang Airport’s Infrastrucuture Project

Minister Hermoso inspects ongoing Awang Airport’s infrastructure project

Minister Dickson P. Hermoso of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM conducts an on-site inspection of the ongoing renovation of Awang (Cotabato) Airport’s Passenger Terminal Building today, April 1, 2022.

During the walkthrough to the project, Minister Hermoso is accompanied by Mr. Sajid Druz Ali, the Ministry’s Air Transportation Consultant, to check the status and progress of the Project implementation being spearheaded by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), and this will be turned over to Bangsamoro Airport Authority, headed by Airport Manager III/Regional Head Carmencita O. Salik, once completed.

The team, headed by Minister Hermoso, conducting the inspection see to it that the reconstruction/renovation of existing building facilities will improve the overall condition of the airport and ensure that it is safe and secured to create a conducive environment for the Bangsamoro constituents and passengers from other regions plying the air routes from Cotabato City and Maguindanao.