CAB-BARMM Governing Board enacts groundbreaking rules at inaugural session

May 17, 2023

The Civil Aeronautics Board of the Bangsamoro (CABB) Governing Board holds its first session today May 17, with Chairperson Minister Paisalin P. Tago leading the proceedings.

The board deliberates on and accords priority to a range of legislative matters, including the adoption and approval of the Internal Rules of Procedure (IRP) and Rules of Procedure (ROP) governing hearings and investigations before the Board.

This development marks a significant milestone in the air transportation industry in the Bangsamoro region. With the establishment of its IRP and ROP, CABB is better equipped to regulate and develop the air transportation industry effectively.

The enactment of these procedural rules demonstrates the CABB’s proactive approach to streamlining regulatory processes and establishing clear guidelines. These rules will provide the framework for fair and transparent decision-making, ensuring that the interests of stakeholders and the general public are upheld.

Attendees during the session were MTIT Minister Abuamri Taddik, who serves as the Vice-Chairperson, and Member of the Board CABB OIC Director I – Muhammad M. Galo, Deputy Minister Mohammad Ameen Abas, Director General Atty. Roslaine L. Macao-Maniri and other officials were also present, emphasizing the collective commitment to bolstering air commerce.