BTC, BMARINA Host Free Iftar

Mar 26, 2024

Bangsmoro Telecommunications Commission (BTC) and Bangsamoro Maritime Industry Authority (BMARINA) hosted a free iftar, extending the gesture to employees of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications-BARMM, as well as the general public who wished to participate on March 21, 2024, becoming the second sectoral agencies to sponsor such an initiative.

Aligned with the ministry’s commitment to fostering unity and cultural appreciation during Ramadan, BTC, and BMARINA’s sponsorship reflects a dedication to inclusivity. Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago has overseen this initiative for the past two years, with each sector within the Ministry taking turns sponsoring iftar meals, contributing to a deeper sense of cultural understanding and solidarity.

Deputy Minister Muhammad Ameen M. Abbas, also the BTC Commissioner, and Director II of Water Transportation Services Atty. Abubakar Katambak warmly welcomed all employees and the general public to the BTC grounds for the free iftar.