BAA -MOTC aims to integrate civil aviation security measures in the BARMM Airport Development

Feb 13, 2024

MOTC Minister Atty. Paisalin P. Tago, CPA, tasked the MOTC Engineering Team to establish coordination and collaboration initiatives in the BARMM Airport Development with the national counterparts on February 8, 2024.

The said initiative was joined by officials from the Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority (BPDA), led by Engr. Kadil A. Sulaik, Director I. The BPDA serves as the planning, monitoring, and coordinating agency for all development plans, programs, and projects of the Bangsamoro government, which includes the BARMM Airports.

The team commenced its consultation objectives to BGen. Rodelio B Jocson, Director IV, Office of Transportation Security, to seek guidance on the effective airport regulatory security control measures and to ensure international civil aviation security requirements are incorporated into the design and construction of new facilities and alterations to existing facilities.

The team also inquired about the requisition process to obtain and install the equipment required for a screening device. It is to ensure increasingly active and stringent security measures that adhere to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.