BAA & BPMA participates in Bangsamoro Task Force Against Trafficking Sustainability and Action Planning Workshop

Nov 24, 2021

BAA & BPMA participates in Bangsamoro Task Force Against Trafficking Sustainability and Action Planning Workshop

The Bangsamoro Airports Authority(BAA), headed by Airport Manager III Ma’am Carmencita Salik, and the Bangsamoro Ports Management Authority(BPMA),headed by General Manager Garib Abas, of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC)-BARMM , under the leadership of Minister Dickson Penas Hermoso, participated in two-day “Bangsamoro Task Force Against Trafficking Sustainability and Action Planning Workshop” which started on November 24 in the City of Cotabato.

The workshop, which facilitated by the Office of the Chief Minister (OCM)-BARMM in partnership with the International Organization for Migration(IOM), aimed to finalize the crafting of Terms of Reference for the Bangsamoro Task Force Against Trafficking in Person.
The Bangsamoro Task Force Against Trafficking in Person is composed of different ministries and one of them is the MOTC-BARMM, which was tasked also to secure and protect the victims as well as survivors especially the Bangsamoro women and children against human traffickers who will utilize the inter and intra routes of the region.