Last July 4 and 5, the ministry has held an activity called “Problem Analysis”

Jul 6, 2019

[su_carousel source=”media: 523,524,525,526,527,528,529″ limit=”10″ width=”900″ height=”520″ items=”1″ title=”no”]Last July 4 and 5, the ministry has held an activity called “Problem Analysis” of the Ministry and its Sectoral Offices. This is in preparation for the impending BARMM 2020 Budget Call and Preparation. This was conducted to generate the real and specific issues and concerns of the minisrty for it to be prioritized for the 2020 BARMM Budget. This activity was attended by the Sectoral Heads, Division Heads of the Ministry, Director III Mohammad Isa and facilitated by the Officer – in – Charge herself, Atty. Maniri. It is in this program also that the OIC highlighted the 12 Point Agenda of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Regional Government and we were asked to ensure that all programs and activities are aligned to the said BARMM Priorities.